Project Notification (Individual Test Plans)

Project Notification (Individual Test Plans)

Slack and E-mail notification management requires to correct permissions, such as Project Manager. For more information, please refer to the Global Permissions guide.

TESTaide allows for notifications to be set up on different events for test case executions such as, regression start, end, and fail. You are able to set up notifications for both Slack channels and E-mail recipients. This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up notification for individual test plans on the TESTaide application.

Before being able to add notifications for individual test plans, make sure that the Slack/E-mail notifications have been turned on. For more information on this and also how to manage notifications for an entire project, please refer to this guide on project level notifications.

Slack notifications

To manage Slack notifications, first select the project you wish to manage. On the left-hand navigation menu, click the 'Project Settings' option to show further options & from the drop-down menu that appears, click on the ‘Slack Notifications’ option which will redirect you to the management page for Slack notifications

Add a Slack channel to receive notifications

To add a Slack channel to receive notifications, go to the Slack notification management page and…

  1. From the list of test plans, select the plan for which you want to set up mail notification and click on the edit button in the right-hand column.

  2. Enter the Slack webhook URL and channel name for the desired event type, regression start, end, or fail and click save.

  3. If the information entered is correct, the Slack channel will now receive notifications for the specified event.

Example video of adding a slack channel

Delete notifications for a Slack channel

To remove a Slack channel from receiving notifications from a test plan, go to the Slack notification management page and…

  1. From the list of test plans, select the test plan from which you want to remove a Slack channel to receive notifications.

  2. Click ‘Delete’ besides the desired Slack channel from which you want to delete notifications for.

  3. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the ‘OK’ button to complete the deletion.

Example video of removing a slack channel

E-mail notifications

To manage E-mail notifications, again, first select the project you wish to manage. On the left-hand navigation menu, click the 'Project Settings' option to show further options & from the drop-down menu that appears, click on the ‘E-mail Notifications’ option which will redirect you to the management page for E-mail notifications

Adding a recipient to receive mail notifications from test plans

To add a recipient to receive e-mail notification, go to the E-mail notification management page and…

  1. From the list of test plans, select the plan for which you want to set up mail notification.

  2. Select the recipient, either a single user or for everyone that has a specific role, for the desired event type, regression start, end, or fail.

  3. The selected recipient(s) will now receive e-mail notifications for the specified event.

Example video of adding an e-mail recipient

Deleting e-mail notifications from test plans for a recipient

To delete e-mail notifications for a recipient, go to the E-mail notification management page and…

  1. From the list of test plans, select the test plan from which you want to delete an e-mail notification recipient from.

  2. Click ‘Delete’ besides the desired recipient from which you want to delete notifications for.

  3. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the ‘OK’ button to complete the deletion.

Example video of deleting an e-mail recipient

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