TESTaide Infrastructure Agent

TESTaide Infrastructure Agent

This guide provides information on how to properly configure and install the Infrastructure Agent that manages the Selenium hubs and nodes used by the TESTaide application to automate test scripts.

Downloading Selenium & Webdrivers

Selenium Grid Download

You can download the Selenium Grid .jar file from the Selenium website. Scroll down on the page to find a full list containing previous releases.

Webdriver Download

Additionally, a webdriver for the available web browsers are required. The correct web driver has to be downloaded for the correct browser version. Below are links to where to find the web driver for each corresponding web browser.

  • Google Chrome

    • Download the correct web driver where the version matches the version of your Chrome browser, e.g. driver version 108.x.xxxx.xx for browser version 108. Note that only the first 3 numbers need to match up with each other.

  • Mozilla Firefox

    • Download the correct web driver version according to the version of your Firefox browser by following the table below!

  • Microsoft Edge

    • Download the correct web driver where the version matches the version of your Edge browser, e.g. driver version 89.0.774.77 for browser version 89.0.774.77.

  • Internet Explorer

    • Download the correct web driver for the corresponding version of the Selenium Grid previously downloaded. The Internet Explorer web driver must additionally be placed in the %PATH% environment variable.

Firefox Web driver supported versions

Geckodriver (web driver)

Version of Firefox browser

Geckodriver (web driver)

Version of Firefox browser

Geckodriver (web driver)

Version of Firefox browser

Geckodriver (web driver)

Version of Firefox browser


Minimum: v.102 Extended Support Release (ESR)
Maximum: n/a


Minimum: v.60
Maximum: v.90


Minimum: v.91 Extended Support Release (ESR)
Maximum: n/a


Minimum: v.57
Maximum: v.90


Minimum: v.78 Extended Support Release (ESR)
Maximum: 90


Minimum: v.57
Maximum: v.79


Minimum: v.60
Maximum: v.90


Minimum: v.57
Maximum: v.79


Minimum: v.60
Maximum: v.90


Minimum: v.57
Maximum: v.79


Minimum: v.60
Maximum: v.90


Minimum: v.57
Maximum: v.79


Minimum: v.60
Maximum: v.90



Configuring the agent

In the downloaded folder for the TESTaide Infrastructure Agent, you will find a ./config folder which will contain the configuration file. This file will allow the agent to utilize the required tools to function properly.

In the ./config folder is a file named, ‘development.json.example.windows’, open this file in a text editor where you will find the configuration fields of which there are a few fields to configure:






The IP address of the machine that is hosting the hub and nodes.


The port for the TESTaide Infrastructure Agent.


Path to where the Java executable is installed.

Selenium → Binary

Path to where the Selenium .jar file is downloaded.

Selenium → Server-jars(?)


Selenium → Platform

Describes which system is used to install the Agent on, e.g. Linux or Windows.

Selenium → Chrome/Edge/Firefox → Driver

Path to where the corresponding web driver executable is downloaded.

Selenium → Chrome/Edge/Firefox → Versions[] → Version

The version number of the specific web driver

Selenium → Chrome/Edge/Firefox → Versions[] → Driver

Path to where the corresponding web driver for the specific version.

TESTaide → Base URL

The URL and port for where the local TESTaide is available.


You can have additional web drivers for the browser by adding another version & driver to the list of versions.

Installing the TESTaide Infrastructure Agent service

After configuring the .json file, you will need to install the agent as a service. This will provide a automatically run service on the start-up of the system.

For Windows systems

  1. Open the command-line as an administrator.

  2. Go to the directory where the agent is downloaded.

  3. Run ‘INSTALL-SERVICE.bat’

For Linux systems

  1. Open the terminal

  2. Go to the directory where the agent is downloaded.

  3. Run ‘sh start.sh’

For TESTaide Azure Virtual Machine

If you have purchased TESTaide from the Azure Marketplace then the virtual machine will already include the Agent installed and configured, you can ignore the previous instructions. However, if you want to connect an external Agent then you need to install it by following the instructions above.

Make a backup file for the development.json file before making any changes to be able to revert back to if any issues arise.

If you want to add more nodes to the locally installed Agent on the virtual machine follow these steps:

  1. If you want to add more nodes to the Chrome and/or Firefox configurations skip to step 2, otherwise, install the desired web browser for the new nodes.

    1. Note that TESTaide and Selenium only have support for Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, and Safari for now.

  2. Download the correct Webdriver for the browser and version of the browser, follow the steps above.

  3. Configure the new paths by changing directory to: