Test Environment Management

To be able to manage the test environments, you will need to be a System Administrator. For more information, please refer to Global Permissions.

This document provides information on how to manage the test environments for the TESTaide application.

The environment page is always accessible for System Administrators via the header navigation bar. This redirects you to the environment page where you can observe a table of all current environments available. You are also able to view the environments by type by clicking on a type from the left-hand side navigation menu.

There are three types of environments.

  • Manual-type environments are available for any licensed version of TESTaide. Environments of these types do not allow for any automated testing and contain basic text-based steps meant to indicate external testing steps.

  • Server-type environments are available for the Pro version of TESTaide. Server-type environments are used for Python-based scripting for automated testing that is executed directly on the host machine.

  • Hub-type environments are available for the Pro version of TESTaide. Hub-type environments are also used for Python-based scripting for automated testing though they are executed on an external machine with a Selenium hub + nodes running.

Note that for the server and hub environments, the only available test plan type is ‘Auto’!

Creating a new Environment

  1. On the environment page, click the ‘Create Environment’ button.

  2. On the ‘New Environment’ pop-up window, select the Type of environment and enter the information depending on the type you have selected.

    • More information on the information can be viewed further down in this guide.

  3. Click the ‘Save’ button to complete at the bottom to complete the test environment creation.







Manual, Server, & Hub


This is the operating system of the host machine. TESTaide currently allow Linux, Windows, Mac, iOS, & Android systems.


The browser the environment uses. TESTaide currently allow Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, & Internet Explorer.

Environment Name

The name is automatically generated in the format of ‘Type-Platform-Browser’. You can alternatively enter another name to your liking.

Browser version (Optional)

The current browser version of the environment.

You can usually find the version by opening your selected browser, clicking the settings on the top-right (☰, ⚙︎, ⁝) of the browser, and selecting the Help or About option.

Tags (Optional)

Tags are used to quickly search and find items via the search bar on the header navigation. A tag is created by entering a string of characters followed by pressing the ‘Enter’ key on the keyboard.

Description (Optional)

The maximum length for the description is 1000 characters.

Server Only

Browser Path

Enter the path to where the browser is installed, refer to the examples below



C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe



Driver File Path

Enter the path to where the webdriver is installed, refer to the examples below






Hub Only


Enter the IP address of the Selenium hub.


Enter the port of the Selenium hub.

Once an environment has been created, you can interact and view the environment by clicking on its name, which redirects you to the detailed page for that environment. From here are some further interactions that become available to the user.

Note that if there are no available IP-addresses, the Hub creation popup window will not allow you to create the environment and will show you an error message. Please refer to this guide on installing a TESTaide Infrastructure Agent for Hub environments.

Edit Environment

You are able to edit some of the information about the environment by clicking on the desired environment, and when you have been redirected to the detailed page of the environment

  1. Simply click the ‘More’ button on the top-right of the page and when the drop-down menu appears, select the ‘Edit’ options.

  2. On the ‘Edit Environment’ pop-up window, edit the desired environment information and click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to save the changes.

    1. Note that you cannot change the environment type.

Delete Environment

You can also delete an environment by, again, clicking the desired environment, and when you have been redirected to the detailed page of the environment

  1. Click the ‘More’ button on the top right. When the drop-down menu appears, select the ‘Delete’ options.

  2. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the 'OK' button to complete the deletion.

    1. Note that you are unable to delete an environment if it is still being used by a project, please un-attach the environment from any project first.

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