Getting Started - TESTaide

Getting Started - TESTaide

This document provides an example on how to get started with the TESTaide application purchased from the Azure Marketplace. You do not have to follow this guide, it is only meant to provide basic instructions for the main features of TESTaide to help you get started using our solution.


Steps for getting startedPrerequisites

  • Follow the guide on how to create your own TESTaide Virtual Machine using the Azure Portal & how to start the TESTaide application.

Step 1 – Setup up the database configuration

Once you have started the TESTaide application, go to the application webpage, this would either be on the localhost:<port> or any other URL that has been setup for the virtual machine. The application will make you choose your preferred method for configuring the database.

There are two methods for the database configuration:

  1. The pre-installed PostgreSQL database

  2. Another database that has been configured externally.

    1. Refer to this guide on configuring a database externally for TESTaide usage.

After you have finished the configuration, the application will restart so please wait one moment. It might take up to 1 minute to fully restart.

On the first start and initialization of the TESTaide application, it is highly recommended to restart the virtual machine to make sure that all database and Infrastructure Agent connections are properly made as intended. Simply restart the machine in the Azure portal & run the start command when the virtual machine has restarted to continue using the TESTaide application.

Step 2 – Create a system administration user

After having set up the database, it is time to create a system administration user. Simply enter the desired ID & password, press the ‘Next’ button, and proceed with logging in.

Step 3 – Add a Test Environment

We will be creating a Server-type environment for this guide, the server environment execute automated test cases locally on the host-machine.

  1. From the navigation header, click the Environment option and click the Create Environment button.

  2. Select the environment type as Server and enter the required, and any optional, fields and click the Save button.