Test Plan Management

To be able to manage the test plans, you will need to have the correct permissions, such as Project Manager or Create Plan/TC…. For more information, please refer to Global Permissions.

Test plan are executable groups of test cases meant to organize test cases together to test bigger features in parts. This document provides guidelines on how to create and manage the test plans of a project in the TESTaide application.

In this guide


Create Test Plan

To create a test plan, firstly, go to the TESTaide homepage, select the project that you want to create a test plan for. If there are no projects available, create one by following this guide. Once you are on the project page, select the 'Test Plan' option from the left-hand side navigation menu and when you have been redirected to the page with all existing test plans…

  1. On the test plan page, click the 'Create Test Plan' button on the top-right of the page.

  2. On the pop-up window that appears, enter the the required and any optional fields and click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to complete the test plan creation. Refer to the table below for more information on the test plan fields.

Test plan field descriptions





Project Key

The key of the selected project cannot be chosen, it will be automatically created using the name of the project.


Choose a predefined test environment, you are only able to choose one.

Test Plan Type

Choose between Manual and Auto. The test plan can only contain test cases of the same type.

‘Manual’ type test plans do not produce any automated results and are meant to be as a tool to notify the status from external testing.

‘Auto’ type test plans produce automated PASS / FAIL results from Python scripts. The ‘Auto’ type is only available for the Pro edition of TESTaide.

Test Plan Name

The maximum length for the name is 50 characters.

Description (Optional)

The maximum length for the description is 1000 characters.

Tags (Optional)

Tags are used to quickly search and find items via the search bar on the header navigation. A tag is created by entering a string of characters followed by pressing the ‘Enter’ key on the keyboard.

Plan leader (Optional)

Select the leader of the test plan.

Start Date (Optional)

The intended start date of the plan

End Date (Optional)

The intended end date of the plan

Edit Test Plan

After having creating a test plan you can edit the information of a it by…

  1. On the test plan detail page, click the ‘More’ button on the top right of the page. When the drop-down menu appears, select the ‘Edit Plan’ option.

  2. On the pop-up window, edit the test plan information.

    1. Note that the ‘Project Key’ & ‘Test Plan Key’ cannot be edited.

  3. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to save changes.

Delete Test Plan

Deleting a test plan is irreversible, proceed with caution!

When a test plan is no longer needed, you can simply remove it by accessing the test plan detail page, click the ‘More’ button on the top right of the page and when the drop-down menu appears, select the ‘Delete Plan’ option. Click the 'OK' button on the pop-up window that appears to complete the deletion.

Pre-Testing Auto Plans

Before moving an auto test plan to the ‘Testing’ phase with regressions, users can do a test execution of the plan by…

  1. On the test plan page, click the  ‘▶’  button on the top-right of the page.

  2. When the select environment pop-up window appears, select environment then click the ‘Run' button.

  3. In the Exe Log tab, you can check the test results.

    1. If the python script is entered incorrectly, you will get an error.



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