Test Environment
This document demonstrates how to create a test environment in odi test manager.
Move to "Environment"
Click "Environment" from the top menu to add, modify or delete a test environment.
Add a test environment
Click "Create Environment" button at the top right corner to add a new test environment.
Once "New Environment" dialog appears, input the following:
- Environment Name : input its name
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- Description : Describe the test environment in detail
- Tags : tags added will be searchable from "Tag Search" bar at the top menu
A list of test environments and its search
A list of test environments added can be found by clicking "Environment" at the top menu.
Any list can be searched with tags added.
Modify a test environment
Choose an "Environment Name" to modify its environment from the list.
Once its detailed information appears, click one of the rightmost button, "Edit".
Now "Edit Environment" dialog with information that can be modified will appear. Modify any information among those and then save it.
Delete a test environment
Choose an "Environment Name" to delete its environment from the list.
Once its detailed information appears, click one of the rightmost button, "Delete".
Click "OK" button once asked "Are you sure to Delete?"