Software Requirements
This document demonstrates system requirements of TESTaide test manager.
Java versions currently supported by TESTaide test manager is as follows:
- Oracle JRE / JDK Java 8
- AdoptOpenJDK Java 8
TESTaide test manager works on following Operating Systems:
- Microsoft Windows
- Linux
- Mac OS X
Browsers available are listed below with the minimum resolution 1024 * 768
- Chrome
- Internet Explorer 11
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari on Mac OS X
Databases available are as follows:
- Embedded H2
- PostgreSQL 9.6 or above
- MySQL 5.7 or above
- Oracle 12c R1 (available soon)
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016 (available soon)
* The embedded H2 should be limited to evaluation use only
Application Server
Tomcat/8.5.28 is embedded in the Application Server. No extra WAS can be utilized