Project Type Management

This document provides information on how to manage the project types of the TESTaide application. The project type management can be accessed by the '⚙ Settings' button in the header navigation bar and by selecting the ‘Project Type' menu from the left-hand sidebar.

Add Project Type

To add a new project type, follow these steps:

  1. On the project type management page, click the ‘Add Project Type’ button on the top right.

  2. On the ‘Add Project Type’ pop-up window, enter the following information.

  3. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to complete adding the project type.

Project-type information fields





Parent Code

You cannot edit the parent code.

Code ID

The identifying number for the type. This field must be unique.

Code Value

The name that the project type will be displayed as.

Use Y/N

Enabling this will make this type available in the TESTaide application when creating or editing projects.

Description (Optional)

The maximum length for the description is 1000 characters.

Related Info #1 (Optional)

Enter any information related to the project type

Related Info #1 (Optional)


Edit an existing Project Type

  1. On the project type management page, click the ‘edit’ icon besides the corresponding project type you want to make changes to.

  2. On the ‘Add Project Type’ pop-up window, make changes to the information as you will and click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to save changes.

You can listed order of the project types by clicking the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ icon besides the project types. The order of the types does not have any functional impact, it only affects the order in the selection of types of creation or editing a project.

Delete an existing Project Type

  1. On the project type management page, click the ‘delete’ icon besides the corresponding project type you want to remove.

  2. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the ‘OK’ button to complete the deletion.

You are unable to remove the default project type ‘Common’ that comes with TESTaide!


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