Jira Integration Configuration

Jira Integration Configuration

This document provides information on how to integrate Jira with the TESTaide application.

To integration with Jira all information must be entered correctly.

Download the TESTaide for Jira add-on from the following link.

Install Jira Add-on

To add Add-on that connects TESTaide and Jira:

  1. Log in to Jira as an administrator.

  2. Click the ‘Administration’ icon. When a pop-up menu appears, select ‘Add-ons'.

  3. Select the ‘Manage apps’ menu on the left sidebar and upload the app you downloaded.

  4. When the installation is complete, click the ‘Settings’ button in the app details.

  5. In the configuration page, enter the following information.

    • Server URL : http://<TESTide domain>/rest/issue.do?key=

    • ex) http://testaide.io/rest/issue.do?key=

    • ex) http://localhost:8080/rest/issue.do?key=

  6. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to complete the Jira add-on configy.

When you install the TESTaide for Jira add-on, the TESTaide Link is automatically created as a custom field.

Jira Custom Fields

To configure the custom field that displays a link from Jira to TESTaide:

  1. Log in to Jira as an administrator.

  2. Click the ‘Administration’ icon. When a pop-up menu appears, select ‘Issues'.

  3. Select the 'Custom fields' menu on the left sidebar and search for TESTaide Link.

  4. Click the ‘Settings’ icon in action column. When a pop-up menu appears, move the mouse cursor over ‘Configure’.

    • If you look at the bottom of the configuration page, you can check the custom field ID value such as 'customFieldId=10110'. (It is a required value when integration with Jira so record it)

  5. Click the ‘Edit Configuration’ link besides Applicable contexts for scheme or click the ‘Settings’ icon .

  6. In the configuration page, enter the following information.

    • Modify configuration scheme context

      • Configuration scheme label : Label for this context

      • Description : Optional description for this context

    • Choose applicable issue types

      • Issue types : Apply for all issues with any selected issue types

    • Choose applicable context

      • Global context. Apply to all issues in Jira.

      • Apply to issues under selected projects

      • Projects : Apply for all issues in any selected projects

  7. Click the ‘Modify’ button at the bottom to complete the Jira custom field configuration.

Jira Integration

All of the information needs to be entered correctly for the Jira integration to work properly.

To integration with Jira, follow these steps:

  1. Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header navigation bar.

  2. Select the ‘Jira Integration’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. On the Jira integration page, enter the information as follows on the table below.

  4. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to complete the integration with Jira.





Base URL

Enter the base URL of Jira.

Bug Type

By entering the code of the issue type you can register a defect as a bug from within the TESTaide application. Check the steps below on how to retrieve the ID of the bug type in Jira.

TESTaide Link Field


Enter the code of the custom field of Jira. ex) customfield_10600

User ID


User Password


Follow these steps to retrieve the ID for the bug type in Jira:

  1. Login in to Jira as an administrator

  2. Go to the 'Administration>Issue Type' page in the upper right of the Jira main screen.

  3. Click the “Edit” action of the bug type.

  4. On the bottom of the page, you can see the bug type ID value, for example '10004'.

Example of Jira integration configuration

Jira WebHooks

To set up Jira WebHooks integration:

  1. Log in to Jira as an administrator.

  2. From the Jira main screen, select 'Management>System' in the upper right corner.

  3. Select 'Webhook' in the left sidebar.

  4. Click the Create Web Hook button and enter the following information.

    • Name : WebHook Name

    • Status : Whether or not to use

    • URL : http://<TESTide domain>/rest/issue.do?key=

      • ex) http://testaide.io/rest/issueHook.do

      • ex) http://localhost:8080/rest/issueHook.do

    • Events : issueType in (Bug)

      • Issue : Select created, updated, deleted

  5. Click the 'Create' button at the bottom to complete the WebHook setup.


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