Global permissions

This document was created to share information about Global Permissions in the CURVC Project Budget add-on.

Table of Contents

Project Budget Roles

CURVC Project Budget has three roles:

  • Budget administrator
    Perform all administrative functions of Project Budget.
  • Budget manager
    Add / Check / Modify / Delete usage budgets within project scope.
  • Budget user
    Identify your Worklog within the scope of the project.

Project Budget Permissions

The role-specific permissions of CURVC Project Budget are as follows.

역할View SummaryView OwnView AllAdd ExpenseEdit ExpenseDelete All ExpensesDelete Own ExpenseEdit Expanse AccoutEdit Labor CostEnable/Disable Project
Budget administrator(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Budget manager(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(error)(error)(error)

Add budget administrator

Follow these steps to add the Budget administrator from CURVC Project Budget.

  1. Log in as the Jira System Administators user.
  2. On the top menu, click Add-ons.
  3. Under Project budget, select Permissions.
  4. On the right side of the Budget administrator, select the Edit button.
  5. When the Edit Administrator Roles window appears, click the Add Users button.

The following figure shows the screen to add a budget administrator.

Figure. Permission

Add Project budget manager

In CURVC Project Budget, the Budget manager is added to the project Users and roles and follows these steps:

  1. Log in to the project you are managing as a user with Project Lead or Administer Projects privileges.
  2. Go to a specific project.
  3. Select Project settings at the bottom left.
  4. Select Users and roles.
  5. Select the Add users to a role link at the top.
  6. Enter your user name and select Project budget manager under Role.
  7. Click the Add button.

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