Project Expense List

This document was created to share information about project expense list in the CURVC Project Budget add-on.

Table of Contents

Project Expenses

Add Expense

Expense can add the following information:

  • Account
    Enter the account subject. Accounts can be added by the Budget Administrator.
  • Summary
    Enter the Expense title.
  • Description
    Enter the details of Expense.
  • Assignee
    Enter the user of Expense.
  • Cost
    Expense Enter the cost.
  • Expense Date
    Expense Enter the date.

To register labor and other overhead expenses, follow the procedure below.

  1. Go to a specific project.
  2. Select the left Budget menu.
  3. Under Project budget management, go to the Expenses tab.
  4. In the Expense List, select the Add Expense button.
  5. When the Add Expense window appears, enter the information and select the Add button.

The following figure shows an example of adding Expense.

Figure. Add Expense

Expense List

In the Expense List, you can see the entire list of expense added.

The following figure shows an example of Expense List.

Figure. Expense List

Expense Search

You can retrieve the desired result from the Expense List. The following shows searchable items.

  • Account
    You can search by selecting specific account subjects.
  • Assignee
    You can select and search for the person who spent Expense.
  • Start Date
    Expense The date of consumption can be retrieved based on the start date.
  • End Date
    Expense You can search for consumption days by end date.
  • Expenses per page
    Indicates the number of lists to display on one page.

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