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This document provides how to manage test cases in a test plan.


  1. In TESTaide home, select a project that you want to create test cases.

  2. Select the 'Test Plans' menu on the left sidebar.

  3. In the test plan page, select a test plan from the list you want to create test cases.

  4. In the test plan detail page, click the ‘More’ button on the bottom right. When a pop-up menu appears, select ‘Create Test Case’.

  5. In the test case creation page, enter the following information

    • Category : Choose a predefined category of test case

    • Test Case Name* : The maximum length is 50 characters.

    • Test Case type : Fixed by type of test plan

    • Priority

    • Requirement : Requirements defined in Jira (multiple inputs possible)

    • Tags : You can search for test cases at the top Tag Search with that tag. (multiple inputs possible)

    • Pre-Condition : Precondition for testing

    • Attachments

  6. If you click the 'Test Case Save' button on the top right, you will see the test step/script pop-up.

  7. Create a test case by referring to the link below according to the test case type.
