E-Mail Notification (Project Level)

This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up e-mail notifications for projects available on the TESTaide application. To manage mail notifications for individual test plans, please refer to this guide.

In order to proceed with notification settings, e-mail settings must be configured. Please refer to this guide on Mail Server configuration.


E-Mail Notification Settings

To set up mail notification:

  1. Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘E-Mail Notifications’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. On the Mail Notification Settings page, turn the switch on to receive e-mail notification.

After turning this function On, you are able to see all the individual notification state for existing projects of which you are able to turn On/Off at will. Turning off notifications for a project will prevent mail notifications to be received from that project.

Adding a recipient to a project

To add a recipient to receive e-mail notifications for a project, follow these steps:

  1. Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘E-Mail Notifications’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. From the list of projects, select the project for which you want to set up e-mail notification.

  4. Select the recipient, either a single user or for everyone that has a specific role, for the desired event type, regression start, end, or fail.

  5. The selected recipient(s) will now receive e-mail notifications for the specified event.

Removing a recipient from a project

To remove a recipient of e-mail notifications from a project, follow these steps:

  1. Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘E-Mail Notifications’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. From the list of projects, click the Edit button for the project which you want to delete an e-mail notification recipient.

  4. Click the 'Delete' option beside the recipient for the event type you want to remove notifications for.

  5. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the ‘OK’ button to complete the deletion.

NOTE: This removes e-mail notifications from ALL the test plans of the project for that recipient.