This document was created to share the information about the project-specific summary of the CURVC Project Budget add-ons.


Edit Project

Before you begin

To edit project budget, you must have the following permissions:

You can set permissions in the following guides:

Edit Project Summary

In the Edit Project, you can set:

For the Edit Project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to a specific project.
  2. Select the left Budget menu.
  3. On the Summary tab, select Edit Project at the top.
  4. When the Edit Project window appears, modify the values.
  5. After editing, click Update button.

The following figure shows an example of the Edit Project.

Figure. Edit Project

Project Period

The project duration simply indicates the start and end dates of the project. This period does not affect your budget.

Planned vs. Executed

Planned vs. Executed represents the budget executed against the planned budget. Here is a description of the left row:

The description of the right entry is as follows:

The following figure shows Period, Planned, and Executed in the Summary.

Figure. Summary

Budget dashboard

The Budget dashboard shows a variety of charts of budget execution. Currently supported charts are:

The following figure shows an example of the Budget dashboard.

Figure. Dashboard