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This document provides information on how to set up slack notification of for the TESTaide application.


Settings up Slack WebHooks


To set up Slack notifications:

  1. In TESTaide home, click the ‘Administration’ Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘Slack Notifications’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. On the Slack Notification Settings page, choose whether turn the switch on to receive mailSlack notifications.


Add Slack Channel


to receiving notifications

There are two ways to add a Slack channel to receiving notifications:


Add Slack channel to receive notifications from an entire project

  1. Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘Slack Notifications’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. From the list of projects, select click the ‘Edit’ icon in the ‘Notification’ column for the project for which you want to set up slack notificationSlack notifications for.

  4. Click the ‘Edit’ icon in the 'Notification' column for the event (Regression Start, Fail, or End) you want to add notifications from.

  5. Enter the Slack URL and Slack channel according to the event type(Regress run, Regress End, Regress Fail).

  6. Depending on the event type you set up above, you may receive Slack notifications.


Delete Slack Channel

To remove a Slack channel:

  1. In TESTaide home, click the ‘Administration’ button in channel and click ‘Save’ to add the channel to receive notifications.


Add Slack channel to receive notifications from individual test plans

  1. In TESTaide home, select the project for which you want to add Slack notifications.

  2. Select the ‘Project Settings’ menu on the left sidebar and select ‘Slack Notifications’ Settings from the submenu.

  3. From the list of test plans, select the test plan for which you want to add Slack notifications.

  4. Click the ‘Edit’ icon in the 'Notification' column for the event (Regression Start, Fail, or End) you want to add notifications from.

  5. Enter the Slack URL and Slack channel and click ‘Save’ to add the channel to receive notifications.


Delete Slack Channel from receiving notifications

There are two ways to remove a Slack channel from receiving notifications:

Delete Slack notifications of entire project

  1. Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘Slack Notifications’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. From the list of projects, select the project for which you want to set up delete slack notification.

  4. Click the ‘Delete’ icon on the right side of the Slack channel you want to edit according to the event type(Regress run, Regress End, Regress Fail).

  5. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the ‘OK’ button to complete the deletion.


NOTE: This removes Slack notifications from ALL test plans of the project for that recipient.

Delete Slack notifications of individual test plans

  1. In TESTaide home, select the project from which you want to delete Slack notifications.

  2. Select the ‘Project Settings’ menu on the left sidebar and select ‘Slack Notifications’ Settings from the submenu.

  3. From the list of test plans, select the test plan from which you want to delete Slack notifications.

  4. Click ‘Delete’ besides the recipient(Single user, Project role) you want to delete according to the event type(Regress run, Regress End, Regress Fail).

  5. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the ‘OK’ button to complete the deletion.
