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This document describes how to create a project in odi test manager


It is required to obtain either "Project Manager" or "System Admin" permission from a System Administrator in advance before trying to create a project

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Create a project

The following show how to create a project

  1. Click "Project" from the top menu
  2. Click "Create Project" button at the top-right corner
  3. Once "New Project" dialog appears, please follow steps described below: 
    1. Project Type
      Project Types can be configured by a system administrator. Please ask the system administrator for addition/deletion of project types
    2. Project Key
      This is a primary key for the project. Please note that lowercases are not allowed
    3. Project Name
    4. Description
    5. Tags
      can be searched via Tag Search bar at the top-right corner of the top menu
    6. Project Leader
    7. Jira Project Key
      Input a key from a Jira issue
    8. Start Date
    9. End Date
  4. Save the project with clicking the "Save" button

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