Attachment Dashboard
This document was created to share a guide on the Attachment Security Manager for Jira's Attachment related dashboard.
The dashboard contains the following contents.
Overall Status
The total status displays the total number of files, total file size, and disk usage of Jira.Top Uploader
Shows the top 10 users who uploaded many attachments. It shows the file size and number of files uploaded by the user.File information by Project
The number of uploaded files for each project, file size, share of each project, and last upload time are displayed.Top download files
Shows the top 10 files with the highest number of downloads. It shows the project, file name, file size, and download count together.Top download failed files
Shows the top 10 files with the highest number of download failures. It shows the project, file name, file size, and download failure count together.Top Download user
Shows the top 10 users who downloaded the most attachments.Top failed download users
Shows the top 10 non-authorized users who requested the most downloads of attached files.