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To manage test plans, you need a permission such as Project Manager, Create Plan/TC … . For more information, please refer to Global Permissions.




Creating new Test Scripts

To create test scripts:


Creating test scripts after having created a manual test case:

  1. After having created a manual test case you will be redirected to the test case page, on the pop-up window that appears, enter the required and any optional information.

    1. Refer to the table below for more information on the test script fields.

  2. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the window to complete the test script creation.

Creating new test scripts to already existing manual test cases:

  1. On the TESTaide homepage, select the project that which you want wish to remove create additional test scripts fromfor.

  2. Select the 'Test Cases' menu on the left sidebarOn the left-hand side navigation bar, click on the ‘Test Case’ options.

  3. From the list of test cases, select the test case you wish to create additional test scripts for. This will redirect you to the test case page.

  4. On the test case page, click on the ‘Step Create’ button and on the ‘Test Script’ ‘Create Test Script’ button. On the pop-up window that appears, enter the following required and any optional information.

    1. Refer to the table below for more information on the test script fields.

  5. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the window to complete the test script creation.


The following example contains two test scripts,

  • The first script accesses the login page, enters the required information, and check checks that the result was successful by asserting that the next URL of the incoming page contains the 'project the keyword ‘project’.

  • The second script tries to find and enter the project containing the key ‘AUTO1’ and again checks that the result was successful by asserting that the URL of the incoming page contains the keyword ‘project’.


Test Script

Test Data

Expected Result



my_driver = self.driver

userIdEle = my_driver.find_element(By.NAME, 'logId')

passwordEle = my_driver.find_element(By.NAME, 'logPw')

submitEle = my_driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "btn-style")





loginurl = 'http://localhost:8080/loginForm.do'



self.assertIn("project.", my_driver.current_url)


my_driver = self.driver

project_url = my_driver.current_url + "?key={}".format(projectkey)



projectkey = 'AUTO1'

self.assertIn('project', my_driver.current_url)


Editing an existing Test Script


Modifying information of a test script:

  1. In On the TESTaide homehomepage, select a the project that which you want wish to edit create additional test scriptsscript for.

  2. Select the 'Test Cases' menu on the left sidebar.

  3. In the test case page, select a test case from the list you want to edit test scriptsOn the left-hand side navigation bar, click on the ‘Test Case’ options.

  4. From the list of test cases, select the test case you wish to create additional test script for. This will redirect you to the detailed test case page.

  5. In the test script panel below, click the ‘Edit’ icon besides the test step script you want to edit from the test script list. In the ‘Test Script’ pop-up window, edit the information you want.

    1. Refer to the table above for more information on the test script fields.

  6. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to save the changes.

Changing the order of the test scripts

📌 To change the order among test scriptsscript, simply click either the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ icon besides the test script.


Deleting an existing Test Script from the Test Case.

To remove any test script(s) from a test case, follow these scripts:

  1. In On the TESTaide homehomepage, select a the project that which you want wish to remove create additional test scriptsscript for.

  2. Select the 'Test Cases' menu on the left sidebar.

  3. In the test case page, select a test case from the list you want to remove test scriptsOn the left-hand side navigation bar, click on the ‘Test Case’ options.

  4. From the list of test cases, select the test case you wish to create additional test script for. This will redirect you to the detailed test case page.

  5. In the test script panel below, click the ‘Remove’ icon besides the test step script you want to delete from the test step script list.

  6. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the 'OK' button to complete the deletion.