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This document provides how to manage users for TESTaide.

Add User

To add a user:

  1. In TESTaide home, click the ‘Administration’ Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘User Management’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. In the user management page, click the ‘Add user’ button on the top right.

  4. In the ‘Add user’ pop-up window, enter the following information.

    • User Id* : Only support 3-30 alphabet character or digit

    • Name*

    • Organization : The maximum length is 60 characters.

    • Department : The maximum length is 60 characters.

    • Email*

    • Mobile

    • Password*

    • Password Confirm*

  5. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to complete adding a user.


Edit User

To edit a user:

  1. In TESTaide home, click the ‘Administration’ Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘User Management’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. In the user management page, click the ‘edit’ icon besides the user you want to edit.

  4. In the ‘Edit User’ pop-up window, edit the user information you want to edit. (User id cannot be edited)

  5. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to complete the project editionsave changes.


Delete User

To remove a user:

  1. In TESTaide home, click the ‘Administration’ Click the '⚙ Settings' button in the header.

  2. Select the ‘User Management’ menu on the sidebar.

  3. In the user management page, click the ‘Remove’ icon besides the user you want to remove.

  4. When the deletion confirmation pop-up window appears, click the 'OK' button to complete the deletion.
