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This document provides how to execute test plans.


  1. In TESTaide home, select a project that you want to execute.

  2. Select the 'Test Execution' menu on the left sidebar.

  3. In the test execution page, select a test plan that you want to add a regression.

  4. In the regression list panel below, click the ‘Add Regression’ button and enter the following information.

    • Test Plan Key* : The key of the selected test plan. (Fixed)

    • Regression Title* : The maximum length is 50 characters.

    • Environment : Test environment selected when creating the test plan.(If you want to change environment, you need to edit the test plan.)

  5. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to complete the adding a regression.



If your environment is a Selenium Hub :
When Selenium Hub is all busy and waiting, the user is notified.



For the manual type of test plan, enter the results manually.

For the auto type of test plan, the results are entered automatically.

To execution test,

  1. In TESTaide home, select a project that you want to execute.

  2. Select the 'Test Execution' menu on the left sidebar.

  3. In the test execution page, select a test plan that you want to execute from the list.

  4. In the regression list panel below, click the ‘Run’ button.


  1. In TESTaide home, select a project that you want to execute.

  2. Select the ‘Test Execution’ menu on the left sidebar.

  3. In the test execution page, select a test plan that you want to execute from the list.

  4. In the regression list panel below, click the ‘Run’ button.

  5. You can see how the ‘Run’ icon in the middle of the run changes to the ‘Stop’ icon when the run is in progress.

  6. Click the ‘Stop’ icon to confirm the cancel pop-up window, click the ‘Yes’ button to complete the cancellation.



Test Execution Result

For the manual type of test plan
